MSPA Global Board of Directors

The purpose of the Global Board is for MSPA to have a common platform for decisions that concern the whole organization, regardless of region. The Global Board has recently developed a new graphic program for MSPA with logotypes, membership certificates and templates so that MSPA can be identified as one solid organization. MSPA Ethics, Standards and Membership Criteria should be the same in all regions and the Global Board is the forum where these decisions can be made, with all regions participating. The Global Board is also the place where the regional boards can exchange experiences and learn from each other. 

The Founders and all MSPA Regions are represented in the MSPA Global Board of Directors.

Václav Šojdel

Václav Šojdel

Chair MSPA Global Board 2025
Market Vision - Czech Republic

Václav works as Country Manager at Market Vision Czech Republic and is President of the MSPA Europe/Africa Board... Lees meer

Andrew Firth

Andrew Firth

Vice-President MSPA Europe/Africa
Ipsos Channel Performance UK - United Kingdom

Andy Firth, Head of Insights and Analytics, Ipsos Channel Performance UK. Lees meer

Sam Hersey

Sam Hersey

President MSPA Americas
ClearPoint Solutions - USA

Sam is President & Chief Solutions Officer of ClearPoint Solutions Lees meer

Zaheer Ghani

Zaheer Ghani

President MSPA Asia/Pacific
Shaw Hotels & Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd. - India

Along with Shaw Hotels, Zaheer is actively involved in Sales & Marketing...  Lees meer

Luis Duarte

Luis Duarte

Past-President MSPA Europe/Africa
More Results - Portugal

Luis currently Owner and CEO of More Results a Full Services Agency.... Lees meer

Eileen Wirz

Eileen Wirz

Treasurer MSPA Americas
CXE, Inc. - USA

Eileen is currently the Vice President of Operations and Quality Assurance at CXE... Lees meer

Zolzaya Baatarkhuu

Zolzaya Baatarkhuu

Vice President MSPA Asia/Pacific
Erdmiin Argamj LLC - Mongolia

Zolzaya is a Co-founder and chief operating officer of Erdmiin Argamj LLC, Lees meer

Veronica Boxberg Karlsson

Veronica Boxberg Karlsson

Founder MSPA Europe
Better Business World Wide

Founder of MSPA Europe (2001) and Better Business World Wide (1995). Lees meer

Aftab Anwar

Aftab Anwar

Founder MSPA Asia/Pacific
Startex Marketing - Pakistan

Aftab has more than 15 years of Mystery Shopping experience  Lees meer

Mike Bare

Mike Bare

Founder MSPA Americas
BARE International

Michael is a modern day pioneer of the Mystery Shopping Industry... Lees meer